Construction projects and their management are capital intensive and very technical. Since residential property construction is speculated to be the most capital intensive investment in the lives of majority of Ghanaians, it is clear that construction projects with the sums of money associated with them require professionals who are on top of their games in managing them. This program thus seeks to train you in the methods of construction and the management of construction projects. Ethical professionals who look out for the safety of construction workers and the community in general by ensuring sustainability in their operations is the hallmark of this program.
Graduates from the program go on to become entrepreneurs by establishing construction firms or firms that supply construction raw materials. They also find themselves in industries where their skills are vital.
Modules and courses
Mode of course delivery
The programme is offered through distance education, a learning oriented system allowing greater flexibility in learning while students continue with their regular professional work. The programme is offered in a mixed mode format. The approach uses print and electronic media in order to be responsive to the needs of the learner and also maximize the use of technology in course delivery.
At the heart of the programme is excellent online learning materials developed by capable and competent resource persons from KNUST and other recognized institutions.
Academic Support Systems/Services
Limited face-to-face facilitated sessions are provided at all the Learning Centres. These sessions are supported by print and electronic materials, and local learning facilitators who also support and direct students as they work through the resources provided.
The Centres provide learning support to students living in different parts of the country, thus reducing travel expenses.
Learning centres
Head of department
Exam officer
Programme coordinator