All Students are advised to take note of the REGULATIONS guiding the conduct of University Examinations, that is, Mid-Semester and End of Semester Examinations. Students are required to inform themselves of the following:
1. Consult IDL website for details on Examination Timetables such as Time periods and Centres for the examinations.
2. Take note that the University reserves the right to, where appropriate, make changes in the timetables and inform candidates accordingly at least 24 hours before the published date of the exam.
3. All candidates shall report at the Examination Hall at least thirty (30) minutes before the start of the Examination.
4. Candidates are to have in their possession their Identity Cards and shall show these to the Invigilators before entering the Examination Hall.
5. Candidates shall occupy the places assigned to them by the Invigilators as indicated by either their Index Numbers or any form of identification arranged for the purposes of Examination by the Invigilator(s).
6. Candidates shall not be permitted to enter and or part-take in the Examination, thirty (30) minutes after the start of the examination.
7. Candidates shall not be permitted to leave the Examination Hall within thirty (30) minutes after the commencement of the examination. Candidates are therefore advised to visit the washroom (especially) before entering the examination hall.
8. Candidates are to call the attention of the Invigilator by raising a hand if they need to do anything.
9. Candidates shall not communicate with, or borrow any material (pencil, pen, eraser, calculator, sharpener, etc.) from any other candidate.
10. Candidates may leave the Examination Hall on finishing examination ahead of time after handling over answer booklet(s) and shall not be allowed to return to the Examination Hall, BUT candidates shall not be permitted to leave the Examination Hall during the last thirty (30) minutes of the examinations.
11.Candidates shall not commence writing in the answer booklet(s) until the Invigilator has issued instructions to that effect.
12. Candidates shall use Index Numbers, not NAMES, throughout the examinations.
13. Candidates shall not pass notes or any instruments or seek any other information or make any form of solicitation from other candidates.
14. Candidates shall not copy or attempt to copy from a prepared material or from other candidates.
15. Candidates shall not position answer booklet (s) in such a manner that another candidate may be able to read them or copy from them.
16. Candidates shall not tear an answer booklet or part thereof or substitute an answer booklet with prepared scripts during examinations.
17. Candidates shall not, at the end of each examination, take away any material supplied for the examination such as used or unused answer booklet, supplementary sheet, scannable sheets, etc.
18. Candidates shall not disturb or distract other candidates during examinations.
19. Candidates shall not insult Examination Invigilators and Examination Attendants or any other officer of the University during Examinations.
20. Candidates shall not take into an examination room or have in their possession during an examination any book, material, hat, headgear, bag, pencil case, Mobile Phone, programmable calculator, palm-top computer, scanner, radio, etc. unless specifically authorized by the Examiner.
NB: Failure to abide by any of these rules shall constitute examination misconduct and appropriate sanctions shall be taken against violating students. Please consult the student guide to acquaint yourself with the sanctions associated with violating any of these rules.
Examination Regulations
Candidates are being reminded that they should please, ensure that:
1. They have their ID, Examination cards, REGISTRATION SLIPS and REGISTRATION RECEIPTS, without which they would not be allowed in.
2. They do not bring into the Exam room any bags, hats, books, notes, programmable calculators etc. These are prohibited materials.
3. They bring their own erasers, pens, pencils, rulers, scientific calculators etc instead of disturbing others by requesting for these items.
4. They should not bring mobile phones into the Examination room under whatever circumstances.
5. They do not communicate with other candidates while in the Examination room apart from the invigilator. No EXCUSES will be tolerated.
NB: All programmable calculators and mobile phones will be confiscated and given to the Deputy Registrar Academic if brought into the Examination room.