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Dr. Charles Apprey

Assistant Examinations Officer


Charles Apprey is a Snr. Lecturer and researcher at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology with expertise in the area of Clinical and Nutritional biochemistry. He Holds a BSc. And PhD in Biochemistry with focus in Nutritional Biochemistry. He has over 7 years of teaching, research and consultancy experience. His specialization is in food systems, food environment and nutritional intervention in non-communicable diseases.

He is a recipient of grant from Nestle Foundation to investigate the underlying causes of malnutrition in pregnant adolescents in Ghana. He also received a grant from the International Development Research Centre, Canada to investigate the value chain of some food commodities in Ghana. He is also a proud recipient of a grant to set up the Periodic Centre for Food Initiative Centre of Excellence (PTFI) and this is sponsored by the American Heart Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation. He has several peered reviewed publications in reputable international journals. Dr. Apprey has served as reviewer for a number of reputable international journals. He has also served as internal and external examiners for a number of institutions including the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Malawi.

Dr Apprey is currently a member of the Research and Innovation sub-committee of the Ghana Standards Authority as well as a programme assessor for the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission. He was the Examination officer and programme coordinator for the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology before he was appointment as the Deputy Institute Examinations officer-IDL.